Saturday, March 17, 2012

More B’s (blossoms, birds and blessings)

This week my DH brought me the first blossoms from the garden.  A double blessing! 
This weekend, I finished another flock of soft sculpture birds.  I love making these little creatures.   There is something very relaxing about the process. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Birds and Bracelets

Finished a couple of little crafty projects this weekend.   I was looking for something different to do and  came up with something a little “retro”….Friendship Bracelets.

Brought me back to my old Girl Scout days, which was appropriate, considering this was the 100th Anniversary of the Girls Scouts of America.    Happy Birthday to all scouts past and present. 

Also worked on four stuffed birds using pieces of quilt scraps I couldn’t bear to throw out.   Thought the pieces were still big enough to make something with them and came across a site with a pattern for birds and instructions for making a mobile.  Check it out  here.  I found it very inspirational and interesting. 
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Finally, with the weather warming up again, I found myself needing to visit my new “favorite place”, the Roaring Brook Trail.

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