Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pretty in Pink

My to do list is getting whittled down, little by little.  Today I completed a quilt, requested by a dear friend to give as a gift to a co-worker.  I’m very pleased with the way it came out.  I hope the little one receiving it will enjoy using it as much as I enjoyed making it.

(click on pic to enlarge)
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Friday, February 24, 2012

And winter is back!!!

After a beautiful, balmy day yesterday,we were today reminded that it really is February.  Although only a couple of inches fell, it was quite a contrast to the sunny, spring-like day we enjoyed just 24 hours ago. 

I took advantage of the self-imposed “house arrest” and did our income tax.  Using a very popular software program designed to make the task faster and easier, I was able to make short work of that yearly bugaboo chore.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Today was spent sharing time with good friends…one of those truly magical days when everything was perfect.  It started with sleeping in until 9:00am.  After a leisurely morning, I met with the “Daisy Girls”  (explanation to follow) in Westerly for a leisurely lunch of good food and great conversation.  After lunch, we spent another leisurely hour in a local fabric store, perusing the shelves for supplies, I for another promise quilt.   (Daisy Girls refers to a small group of ladies, of which I am one, who are  generously chauffeured by the Dear Husband of one of the ladies.  Periodically, we are “chauffeured” to yarn shops, fabric shops and the like, just for the pure pleasure of shopping.   It is he who has dubbed us the Miss Daisies!!! LOL)

The second part of the day was a total ad lib surprise.  While speaking with my dear friend and neighbor, I decided I wanted to share a “secret gem” located very close to our house.  It’s called "The Roaring Brook Trail" found in the Arcadia Management Area.  I had just discovered it myself about 3 weeks ago.  It’s almost unbelievable that we didn’t know about this jewel as it’s less than a quarter of a mile from home.  The bonus was that here we are in the middle of February and it was almost 60 degrees with the sun shinning.  So off we went on wonderfully leisurely stroll through the woods.  Can you believe how beautiful this place is?  There are three lakes, a couple of waterfalls, ducks, picnic and sitting areas….a great place to walk and sit and enjoy nature…free of charge.  What’s better than that? 
(Click on each pic to see a larger view)

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I really am blessed!